Thursday, March 26, 2009

'Experts' are like chimps?

from Op-Ed New York Times Article::

"The best example of the awe that an “expert” inspires is the “Dr. Fox effect.” It’s named for a pioneering series of psychology experiments in which an actor was paid to give a meaningless presentation to professional educators.

The actor was introduced as “Dr. Myron L. Fox” (no such real person existed) and was described as an eminent authority on the application of mathematics to human behavior. He then delivered a lecture on “mathematical game theory as applied to physician education” — except that by design it had no point and was completely devoid of substance. However, it was warmly delivered and full of jokes and interesting neologisms. Afterward, those in attendance were given questionnaires and asked to rate “Dr. Fox.” They were mostly impressed. “Excellent presentation, enjoyed listening,” wrote one.


The result? The predictions of experts were, on average, only a tiny bit better than random guesses — the equivalent of a chimpanzee throwing darts at a board.


Hedgehogs tend to have a focused worldview, an ideological leaning, strong convictions; foxes are more cautious, more centrist, more likely to adjust their views, more pragmatic, more prone to self-doubt, more inclined to see complexity and nuance. And it turns out that while foxes don’t give great sound-bites, they are far more likely to get things right.


Other studies have confirmed the general sense that expertise is overrated. In one experiment, clinical psychologists did no better than their secretaries in their diagnoses. In another, a white rat in a maze repeatedly beat groups of Yale undergraduates in understanding the optimal way to get food dropped in the maze. The students overanalyzed and saw patterns that didn’t exist, so they were beaten by the rodent."

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Equinox

Druids watch the sunrise as they celebrate the Spring Equinox at Stonehenge
Picture: GETTY

Monday, March 16, 2009


"Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick, is to feed your sickness" -- Hippocrates, MD, 460-377 B.C.

Read an amazing article today on the body's natural ability to heal itself.

WEATHER site - great for TRAVEL

access from my G1 - blogs as WIKIs

Tried to EDIT this blog from my G1... perhaps this can function as a type of wiki (eg. Travel process, and other public docs I create)

This concept gets me thinking about using this as an online public doc storage for myself and public access. Each blog serves up its own privacy settings, since each POSTING can't be set via security (perhaps someday). And using the tag and search intelligently I can find docs very quickly. This way I, and others with access, can access all these docs with ease.

Currently, I and saving them as documents on my computer and accessing them through my tagged prj file structure... we shall see how this develops.

google G1 android update annoyance

Simple post as I have an issue with my G1 and google mail. When editing an email and saving to a draft, each time that I open it, it adds a space after each paragraph. (eg. reopen it five times and there are 5 spaces after each carriage return)

must be an issue with the latest new android update, because I didn't notice this before

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Diigo Search

Letter written to Diigo:

"I don't understand why search of title, description, notes - ANYTHING else is not searchable. For example the site '' does not show up when I type in random in the search field - even when the url, and title, and description has the word random in it. only if you tag it with 'random' will it appear - but that just doesn't make sense. Hopefully, its just a programming glitch, because I want to keep using Diigo over Delicious and other social bookmarks, but please make search a little better (at LEAST add title search)"

UPDATE - Diigo responded that they are working on hardware updates. Should have posted this information someplace much more readily accessible. Makes me think about how and and where information should be accessed (eg. a feed from diigo that says this), because it shouldn't be required that I dig through FAQs to find this type of information.