Saturday, July 11, 2009

AFTER the Information Age

There was pre-industrialism. Then the Industrial Age. Now the Information Age. What's next?

Some say the *Connected Age - moving from knowledge worker to web worker and focusing on relationships and their individual dynamic processes in themselves. It is through people and our connected nature that we move to the next age.


Book 9, Chapter 10

Should we, then, make as many friends as possible, or -- as in the case of hospitality it is thought to be suitable advice, that one should be 'neither a man of many guests nor a man with none' -- will that apply to friendship as well; should a man neither be friendless nor have an excessive number of friends?


Monday, July 06, 2009


Stan: Dad, you like to drink, so have a drink once in a while. Have two! If you devote your whole life to completely avoiding something you like, then that thing still controls your life and... and you've never learned any discipline at all.
Randy: But, maybe I'm just the kind of person who needs to have it all or nothing.

Stan: No. All or nothing is easy. But learning to drink a little bit, responsibly? That's a-disiprin. Disiprin come from within.
Randy: How did I manage to raise such a smart kid?
Stan: I've had a great teacher.
Randy: Thanks, son.
Stan: No, not you. My karate teacher. He's really smart.