Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Connected World

click to enlarge

I created this connection-map yesterday as I was browsing through the web, rummaging from place to place for over 4 hours. It wasn't that my attention span was being compromised like the common 'A.D.D syndrome' everyone is suspected of having, but rather one thing lead my genuine interest to another; digestible bits of information that left me craving more.

After countless bits of information, for some reason I wanted to outlay this vision - to display how I had come to this very seemingly methodical browsing, and what it looked like on paper. I went back through my web history and connected the pieces visually, and it manifested itself as this document - A timeline and interconnected network of information, of people and products - one referring to the next.

As the world grows connections through technology, we are left with a vision similar to this. Our ancestors only had a physical connection that existed only in the small time and space surrounding them, unlike the ubiquitious digital connections we make today. Digital is fast; digital is everywhere - these personas are manifestations of the people themselves as 'profiles' in a digital world; the 'profile' - a digital link to a physical person in a digitally connected web-space; it is now, it is the future.

Warhol was right in his 1968 statement of in the future everyone will have 15 of fame, although he knew this by 1978, so it's no new realization, but perhaps the reflection upon it in today's society is something that marvels us. It is possible to put your message out there and establish a connection with millions of people. It is still apparent that in pure numbers, females get a significantly larger following than males - most likely from anthropological roots, but besides from the 'potential suitors', I might theorize that the numbers of pure interest are approximately the same. However, these newly connected people (and the people here are in the top percentage of connected users), are only a connection away - which seemingly makes them a neighbor; someone you can related to, that has the same gadget as you, goes to the same functions, likes the same games. Some of them are brilliant, and have created concepts that millions use everyday. Some of them just likable people that spread their good humour and fun.

These connections are real, and granted it is still difficult to weed the 'fanatic' (ie. a user who is captivated by the sheer fact that other users are interested) from the 'connection' (ie. a person that shares the same interests and both people can mutual benefit the other), but this web framework paves the way for the future to come. Better and more efficient ways to connect, hold the connection, and most importantly do something with that connection (have fun, build business, philanthropic activities) are always on the horizon. So keep connecting with those that there is a mutual connection - and do something in the world - together: As there is always some problem to be solved and we can most certainly always learn from one another to be better people. Now, go :: connect

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